November 10-13, 2020
DECODE is the premier cyber security conference in the Philippines hosted by Trend Micro. It aims to decode to local technology professionals the up-to-date information about the threat landscape, industry trends, and new technologies in order to empower them to secure the digital infrastructures of their organizations, as well as to inspire them to embark on a continuous learning journey.
This year, DECODE goes virtual! Elevate and soar high with us as we take this journey through the virtual space. Happening on NOVEMBER 10-12, 2020 -- REGISTER EARLY to secure your slot! THIS EVENT IS FREE!
Transform rapidly, seamlessly, securely
With the understanding of the new threats comes acceptance that all organizations need to transform. What does transformation entail? What are the security precautions we need to take? IT professionals must always be equipped not only with the right tools, but with the right skills and knowledge. In the fight to keep the connected world safe and secure, these cyber defenders must elevate beyond the ordinary and transform rapidly, seamlessly, securely.

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM (15 mins)
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (30 mins)
The Game Changer - How the Pandemic is Changing Your World
Martin Roesler

Senior Director of Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR)
Martin Roesler holds a Dipl-Ing.(FH) degree in civil engineering and has been working in the computer security field since 1990. Having a penchant for technology - he actually lives in a Smart Home lab, he enjoys learning about the latest tech trends and the innovations they contribute to the society.
Currently, Martin is the Senior Director of the Trend Micro ForwardLooking Threat Research (FTR) team. He built the FTR team in 2009 and has since been in charged of underground research, eCrime investigation services, and global law enforcement collaboration. Besides these, he specializes in Smart Technologies like Smart Homes and other internet-connected devices
The Covid-19 pandemic is impacting people around the globe: millions of people got sick, the global economic growth dropped by more than 9%, and we are in a horse race to speed up medical progress and secure vaccine resources.
But besides all these direct impacts, there is another massive, long-term impact that needs to be addressed. Industries as well as ordinary users across the globe are faced with new cybersecurity risks and threats that could significantly impact the way they go about their dailies. In this session, Martin will look at some of the new cyber risks, threats, and challenges the world is facing today.
The Game Changer - How the Pandemic is Changing Your World
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (30 mins)
Exposed: Attack Surfaces Widen as the World Increasingly Relies on Digital Infrastructures
Melissa Hathaway

Melissa Hathaway is a leading expert in cyberspace policy and cybersecurity and served in two U.S. presidential administrations. Melissa brings a unique combination of policy and technical expertise, as well as board room experience to help others better understand the intersection of government policy, developing technological and industry trends, and economic drivers that impact acquisition and business development strategy in this field.
Critical infrastructures and services are fragile. The pandemic has caused the world to work from home and learn from home - using the technologies that had actually been available for at least the past decade. Telemedicine, remote learning, and on-line education were among the early adopters of these technologies out of necessity. But even the Global 1000 businesses adapted and adopted quickly and have reported positive results regarding their increased productivity and meeting key performance criteria. And while our internet service providers (ISPs) and telecommunications companies are trying to build more capacity in the system, they are also experiencing more and more outages, knocking us offline when we need to be online. The supporting digital infrastructures are fragile and, in addition to glitches and outages, malicious actors are taking advantage of our increased reliance on digital tools and broader exposure to cyber risks to ramp scam individuals, ransom businesses, disrupt critical infrastructures, and attack governments at all levels.
Exposed: Attack Surfaces Widen as the World Increasingly Relies on Digital Infrastructures
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM (60 mins)
Track Sessions
01:00 PM - 01:30 PM (30 mins)
Pitfalls of OSS in IoT
Ricky Lawshae

Senior Security Researcher
DV Labs
Ricky Lawshae is a Senior Security Researcher for Trend Micro, focusing mainly on enterprise IoT. He has found and disclosed more than 50 vulnerabilities in devices from HID, Crestron, Oculus, and many more. His work has been featured in Forbes, Wired, and Hackaday. He has spoken at conferences around the world, including Defcon, Recon, Ruxcon, and Insomnihack.
Open source software has become the standard foundation upon which most IoT devices are built these days. It helps to keep costs down and allows for easy customization in order to suit specific needs. However, there are some very common problems and potentially serious security ramifications that come along with those benefits.
In this presentation, Ricky will discuss some of the more common pitfalls that users and developers need to be mindful of when using and modifying open source software. He will go over some real-world examples of vulnerabilities and exploits in IoT devices, how they were found, and how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future by following certain best practices.
Pitfalls of OSS in IoT
Kubernetes Security 101: Best Practices for Securing Your Cluster
Magno Logan

Information Security Specialist
Deep Security Labs
Magno Logan works as an Information Security Specialist for Trend Micro Cloud Research Team. He specializes in Cloud, Container and Application Security Research, Threat Modeling, Red Teaming, DevSecOps, and Kubernetes Security, among many others. He has been tapped as a resource speaker for numerous security conferences around the globe including US, Canada, Brazil and Portugal.
This presentation aims to give an overview about how Kubernetes - an orchestration tool for scalable container deployment and management - works and to provide the best practices users can follow to secure their cluster when deploying and maintaining a cluster on their own or via managed services on Cloud Service Providers such as Google, AWS and Azure.
This session will be covering everything from the Master Node, starting with the Kube API server, also including the etcd, Role Based Access Control and Network Policies, and then the Worker Nodes, covering the kubelet, how to enable audit logs and how to protect your pods. CIS Benchmarks for Kubernetes and the default security configurations will also be discussed.
Kubernetes Security 101: Best Practices for Securing Your Cluster
Building and Running a Realistic Factory Honeypot
Lord Remorin

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Lord Remorin is a Senior Threat Researcher within the Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team. He began his career with TrendLabs Philippines in 2009 where he acquired his experience on malware analysis, forensic investigation and development of malware reversing and automation tools. Currently, he is based in the US, focusing on cybercrime investigations and honeypot technology.
Designing realistic ICS honeypot requires a substantial time and resource investment, and in-depth knowledge not only of the technical aspects, but of industrial automation process. Over the past couple months of planning, Lord and his teammates designed and built a factory honeypot, one that appeared so real that it was mistakenly identified as real production environment.
Lord will share their experience on how much effort they went through to make a realistic honeypot. Then, he will highlight incidents they came across with while running the honeypot since May 2019. Lastly, he will discuss recommendations and lessons they learned and answer the question: Did they do enough to attract cybercriminals who thought they were targeting a real factory?
Building and Running a Realistic Factory Honeypot
01:30 PM - 01:45 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
01:45 PM - 02:15 PM (30 mins)
Edge Computing
Philippe Z Lin and Roel Reyes

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Philippe Lin works as a Senior Threat Researcher within the Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team. He is mainly working on industrial embedded system, software defined radio and 4G/5G core network. He was a BIOS engineer, a maker, and an enthusiast of open source software.
Facial recognition access control is one of the killer apps that benefit from the emerging edge computing architecture, which brings the processing power near the endpoints for faster processing speed, less latency and reduced demand of bandwidth.
This presentation will discuss three popular facial recognition systems and the vulnerabilities that have identified, including: server command forgery, user arbitrary addition, privilege escalation, man-in-the-middle, and face database exposure. the presentation will also demonstrate how to leak employee pictures, automatically add unauthorized personnel as administrator, and impersonate a back-end server in order to open the doors and leave a false trace to deceive auditions.
Edge Computing

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Roel Reyes is a Senior Threat Researcher within the Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team. He is currently involved in threat research as well as on-premise or AWS cloudbased infrastructure builds. He started as a Quality Assurance Engineer and became part of the Web Reputation Services Team, developing solutions focused on system enhancements and improvements.
Asking the Right Business Question - The Most Important Phase of the Data Science Process
Isaac Reyes

Data Scientist & Co-Founder
Isaac Reyes, Co-Founder at StoryIQ, is a TEDx speaker and international keynote presenter in data visualization and machine learning. He was the keynote speaker at the 2019 Open Data Science Conference in Brazil and over 2018-2019, his speaking tour visited 26 cities across five continents. His ultimate goal is to empower every organization to derive value from data.
Asking the right business question is easily the most important phase of any data science project. Despite this, many data science teams focus on the wrong business questions. Teams often select projects that are either not feasible or tackle problems that don't drive sufficient business value.
Isaac will talk about a methodology for selecting the right business question, therefore ensuring that data science projects deliver real, risk controlled business value.
Asking the Right Business Question - The Most Important Phase of the Data Science Process
On the Radar: Exploring the Current Threat Hunting Process
Monte De Jesus

Senior Threat Researcher
Threat Hunting Team
Monte de Jesus is a Senior Threat Hunting Engineer. He is also a Senior Smart Pattern Engineer that creates one-to-many detection signatures and served as a mentor to junior engineers. He has been a part of the US operation in Texas as a Volume Engineer that process bulk samples, which requires him to analyze malware and data, and develop and improve automation systems.
Malware hunting still lacks a formal definition and base model today. Developing a hunting process and quantifying the success all depend on the hunter's goals. Another challenge posed by threat hunting is that it requires extensive resources ingesting and transforming hunting data into actionable intelligence.
In this session, Monte will be sharing Trend Micro's hunting process, particularly the process of collecting data from different channels using various method both manual or automated, and how to process, store, interpret, and define data into useful context such as defining malware landscape, campaign tracking, and network defense.
On the Radar: Exploring the Current Threat Hunting Process
02:15 PM - 02:30 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
02:30 PM - 03:00 PM (30 mins)
Insider Threat - The Enemy from Within
Joseph Pacamarra

Joseph Pacamarra, co-founder of Cyber Security Philippines CERT®, specializes in OSINT, CYBINT, insider threat, threat research, and DevSec, among many others. As a former Senior Security Analyst / Security Consultant at Trend Micro, he co-wrote the Consulting Services Program that covers Critical System, Network, Security Analysis and Monitoring for the Trend Micro Custom Defense Services.
Insider threat is a malicious threat that comes from people within the organization, such as employees, former employees, contractors or business associates.
In this session, Joseph will discuss the real-life concern of many organizations that rarely hits the news: the motive, detection, interdiction, tactics and strategy of insider threats, which are among the most devastating threats that any organization will ever encounter.
Insider Threat - The Enemy from Within
A Look at USBee Malware
Shin Li and Ta-Lun Yen

Senior Engineer
Cyber Safety Solution

Senior Engineer
IoT & ICS Security Research Labs
TXOne Networks Trend Micro
Shin Li graduated from National Cheng Kung University and has worked as a lecturer in several hardware-based associations and cybersecurity organizations for many years. He is effective at reviewing security issues from the perspective of hardware designers. He is currently working as a threat researcher at Trend Micro Security Cyber Security.
Ta-Lun Yen is a Trend Micro security researcher that specializes in reverse engineering, protocol analysis, wireless security, and IoT/ICS device security. He as been a member of the Taiwanese InfoSec community "UCCU Hacker" since 2018. He has presented at various conferences and events, including Black Hat EU 2019, HITCON 2018/2019, and TDOH-Conf 2018.
During WW2, the U.S. used a flawed cryptographic device that relied on electro-mechanical relays in its operation. Eventually, researchers discovered they were able to detect electromagnetic spikes and eventually recover the plain text via radio. Decades later, Wim van Eck published an analysis on computer monitors, which describes a way to eavesdrop on CRT displays, in similar fashion with flawed U.S device. Such research elevated alertness on research regarding side channel, and caused consternation in the community as such attacks required sophisticated equipment only available to organizations with a huge budget to expend.
In recent years, such topic has developed into a field of its own, and dubbed TEMPEST by NSA. In Black Hat USA 2020, researchers have revealed a method to eavesdrop on conversations via vibration patterns in a hanging light bulb, which only requires a line of sight to obtain. In this session, the researchers will discuss the journey of USBee, a malware variant that uses electromagnetic emissions from an ordinary USB cable to exfiltrate data.
A Look at USBee Malware
The Hidden Risks of Industrial Automation Programming and their Repercussions for Smart Factories
Federico Maggi

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Federico Maggi, a former assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano, currently works as a Senior Threat Researcher at Trend Micro. He specializes in conducting threat and security analysis virtually on any system. He has given several lectures and talks as an invited speaker at international venues and research schools, and also serves in the review or organizing committees of well-known conferences.
Robots and other programmable industrial machines are the backbone of the manufacturing industry. Without them, the large-scale and fast-paced production that our modern economy depends on would simply be impossible. However, as much as modern manufacturing is dependent on them, these machines themselves rely on legacy technology designed decades ago.
This presentation will discuss the legacy programming environments of widely used industrial machines that harbor virtually undetectable vulnerabilities and malware. The security analysis of these environments, which was conducted in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, reveals critical flaws and their repercussions for smart factories.
The Hidden Risks of Industrial Automation Programming and their Repercussions for Smart Factories
03:00 PM - 03:15 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
03:15 PM - 03:45 PM (30 mins)
Cyberespionage: Targeted Attacks Abusing Third-Party Cloud Services
Jaromir Horejsi

Senior Cyber Threat Researcher
Cyber Safety Solution
Jaromir Horejsi is a threat researcher at Trend Micro. He specializes in hunting and reverse engineering threats that target Windows and Linux, such as APTs, DDoS botnets, banking Trojans, click fraud, and ransomware. He has presented his research works at RSAC, SAS, Virus Bulletin, HITB, FIRST, AVAR, Botconf, and CARO.
To achieve their espionage goals, threat actors need a mechanism to exfiltrate data from their targets. Malware developers have a multitude of choices to achieve this task, for example, the design and implementation of a custom communication protocol, and the use of an existing protocol offered by cloud services.
This presentation will discuss the benefits and limitations of implementing a custom communication protocol, and the cases where attackers abused third-party cloud services in selected targeted. These cases involve targeted threat actors across the globe, including Patchwork (South Asia), DRBControl(South East Asia), Confucius (South Asia), MuddyWater (Middle East), and SLUB (Korea)
Cyberespionage: Targeted Attacks Abusing Third-Party Cloud Services
Cyberattack Trends in the Cloud
Joey Costoya

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Joey Costoya works as a Senior Threat Researcher under the Trend Micro ForwardLooking Threat Research (FTR) team. He was involved in developing novel infrastructure for threat analysis and an early pioneer of data streaming for big-data analytics. More recently, he has been building systems to aid threat research on hybrid, private, and public AWS cloud.
The benefits of migrating to and using cloud-based technologies also come with the risk of exposing organizations' infrastructure to the whole internet. To discover how exposed these cloud deployments are, Joey and his teammates conducted an indepth survey of various cloud services and technologies, and identified a large number of exposed and badly configured cloud services, and in some cases, actively compromised cloud infrastructure.
This presentation will explore the various issues that they discovered, as well as the risks introduced to the organization. Furthermore, the presentation will touch on basic guidelines and best practices on how to secure your own cloud deployments.
Cyberattack Trends in the Cloud
Honeypots, Honeyports, and 'Trollports': An Ecosystem Wide Solution to the 'Firewall Spotlight Problem'
JV Roig

Senior Cloud Architect
Cascadeo Corporation
JV Roig works as a Senior Cloud Architect for Cascadeo Corporation, a Seattle-based premiere cloud consulting company recently acquired by Globe Telecom. Aside from routinely having to deal with security as one of the pillars of any well-architected solution for clients, JV also engages in security research in his off-time, thinking about what-ifs or revisiting things often overlooked or misunderstood.
Firewalls are our friends. Unfortunately, firewalls have this weird and almost counterintuitive effect - it highlights where our crown jewels are. In a nutshell, because a typical "safe" configuration exposes only legitimate service ports, a firewall also inadvertently becomes a spotlight for attackers. JV calls this the "firewall spotlight problem".
It's no wonder then that services like Shodan and its more criminally inclined botnet counterparts are extremely useful - the firewall spotlight problem makes it so that exposed ports are often regarded as legitimate services the vast majority of the time, making internet-wide scanning as good investment.
In this session, JV will be exploring how honeypots, honeyports, and "trollports" can rebalance this asymmetry in favor of defenders.
Honeypots, Honeyports, and 'Trollports': An Ecosystem Wide Solution to the 'Firewall Spotlight Problem''
03:45 PM - 04:00 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
04:00 PM - 04:30 PM (30 mins)
How Threat Actors Move: The Crux of Incident Response
Jay Yaneza

Director of Managed XDR
Jay Yaneza, who is currently based in North America, is the Director of Global Operations for the Trend Micro Managed XDR (MDR) service. He leads several teams of seasoned SOC analysts geographically distributed across multiple time zones to proactively hunt and investigate noteworthy incidents. He has multiple industry certifications under his belt, with his SANS GSE certification as Analyst #258 being the most recent.
Security incidents, data breaches, and the media: these three terms generally go hand in hand in today's world of fast-paced threats driven by highly motivated threat actors. In an incident, facts are uncovered that are not necessarily appropriate to be provided to the general public and, most often, are passed on via word-of-mouth. Such tidbits of information are often kept within the knowledge of defenders (blue teams, IT professionals, or incident responders) who are left to deal with these security incidents so that involved businesses can continue to operate.
In this talk, Jay will be discussing some key learnings surrounding the incidents he and his team had been involved in, giving a peek into the conversations he had with multiple business owners and top-level executives.
How Threat Actors Move: The Crux of Incident Response
04:30 PM - 04:45 PM (15 mins)
Recap and Closing
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM (15 mins)
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (30 mins)
Innovation or Disruption: Examining Scenarios at the Intersection of Technological Development
Myla Pilao

Director of Technology Marketing
Myla leads the security research communications at Trend Micro, she heads the division of the company that monitors the security threat landscape, including high-profile attacks, like advanced persistent threats (APTs) and prevalent digital security risks . She supervises the development of critical information to broaden understanding of cyber security.
Myla contributes technical guidance in the development of strategic cybersecurity frameworks as she share her insights on digital threats and their real-world impact, along with countermeasure strategies for the computing public
Myla is an active supporter of and advocate for the protection of children online. She also supports international movements that work on stopping the online commercial distribution of inappropriate images of children.
Connected technology has permeated even into the most intimate units of human life, while simultaneously making strides in wider and more encompassing aspects of society. Today, organizations aim to remain at the cusp of the latest technological trends and developments to improve their operations as well as remain competitive and relevant in the global market. This transformation introduces an unprecedented level of convenience and functionality, but it also demands the prominent presence of cybersecurity in every connected environment.
In this session, Myla will examine how countries and organizations are being disrupted by a myriad of digital threats and risks, and why it's crucial that they reexamine their existing security architecture to make it robust against present cyber threats.
Innovation or Disruption
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (30 mins)
Principles to Live by for Cybersecurity Leaders
Philip Casanova

Principal, Technology Consulting Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trusted Technology
Philip Casanova is a Partner in SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. (SGV)'s Technology Consulting practice, focusing on cybersecurity. He is a seasoned cybersecurity professional with nearly 25 years of experience as a consultant and as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). He has held cybersecurity leadership roles as the CISO of financial services institutions in the Philippines, other Asian regions, and North America, particularly New York. He is one of the signatories of the Philippine National Standards for Information Security under DTI.
Philip will share timeless principles that he learned in his over two decades journey as a cybersecurity professional.
His presentation aims to strengthen the mindset, persona, and posture of current and aspiring cybersecurity leaders in this evolving cyber threat landscape. Learning these principles can help cybersecurity leaders be consistent in decision making, opinions and recommendations.
Principles to Live by for Cybersecurity Leaders
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM (60 mins)
Track Sessions
01:00 PM - 01:30 PM (30 mins)
Deserialization Vulnerabilities: From Theory to Practice
Dusan Stevanovic

Senior Threat Researcher
Vulnerability Research Service
Dusan Stevanovic has been a member of the Trend Micro Security Research Vulnerability Research Service (VRS) team since 2015. He researches and provides detection guidance for N-day vulnerabilities. This work also includes developing PoCs and exploits for the most recently-discovered critical vulnerabilities. Before joining VRS, he completed his PhD in Computer Science from York University in Toronto, Canada
In this session, Dusan will provide an overview of the insecure object deserialization in Java and .NET and provide an in-depth look at 2 different cases of these vulnerabilities. In the first part of the presentation, Dusan will delve into the basics of object serialization and provide insight into why deserialization attack surfaces exist is applications built on top of Java and .NET.
In the second part of the presentation, Dusan will present an overview of two specific recent cases of deserialization vulnerabilities in Java and .NET, where he will provide an indepth look at the vulnerability in the 3 scenarios and how to detect these forms of attacks.
Deserialization Vulnerabilities: From Theory to Practice
Privacy vs. Security
Drexx Laggui

Principal Consultant
Laggui & Associates
Drexx Laggui is a Highly Technical Consultant (HTC) for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Digital Philippines (OASDP) at the Philippine Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). He is also a PostSales Technical Support Contractor for Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT), where he provides services that include detecting threats on a national scale, assessing impact of known threats, conducting cyber threat hunting to upcoming campaigns
Treading along the line between privacy and security can be challenging in the digital era. While law enforcement agencies can take advantage of the latest technology in their efforts to fight crimes, the use of hi-tech tools, for example, ones used for online surveillance, has raised discussions about how it might violate data privacy rights.
In this session, Drexx will be shining a light on issues surrounding the use of technology in fighting crimes and the effect it has on data privacy
Privacy vs. Security
A Web of Threats: How Machine Learning weave over the Web Threat Landscape
Karla Agregado and Joy Avelino

Senior Engineer
Cyber Safety Solution
Karla Agregado is a Senior Threat Researcher at Trend Micro who is currently working with the Machine Learning (ML) team. She's an expert in web analysis and has an in-depth understanding of the web threat landscape. In line with this knowledge, she applies different ML applications like feature creation based on the latest web threat techniques as a result of her continuous research.
The ongoing pandemic compelled many organizations to shift from operating manually to maximizing various technologies for their day-to-day transactions. Due to this fact, there has been an increased traffic online, paving the way for threat actors to launch attacks against public and private institutions. For instance, there has been an increase in the number of phishing attacks using different web sharing services and cloud applications.
In this presentation, Karla and Joy will dive deep into how the current global trends have shaped the web threat landscape with the help of machine learning (ML).
A Web of Threats: How Machine Learning weave over the Web Threat Landscape

Senior Engineer
IoT & ICS Security Research Labs
Joy Avelino is a Senior Threat Researcher at Trend Micro. Her work mainly focuses on practical applications of data science and ML for malware and threat security research. In the recent years, she has regularly presented use cases of machine learning in the threat security industry based from actual results of machine learning POC projects. She has presented in previous academic conferences such as IEEE IISA 2014 and IEEE TENCON 2018.
01:30 PM - 01:45 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
01:45 PM - 02:15 PM (30 mins)
Cyber Threat Intelligence Toward Cybercrime Investigation
Paul Pajares

Senior Threat Researcher
Threat Hunting Team
Paul Pajares works as a researcher within the Trend Micro Threat Hunting team. He has worked on web reputation services, threat sourcing, antivirus benchmarking, and threat hunting. As part of a strategic partnership between INTERPOL and Trend Micro, he is currently a seconded researcher in the former and is involved in different fields, such as cryptojacking mitigation, threat assessment, campaign awareness, and RFIs.
Law enforcement (LE) agencies play a vital role in shaping down cybercrime trends. As a seconded researcher to an LE agency, Paul will be sharing some of his experiences on working with them.
This presentation will discuss how Trend Micro's provision of expert insights and datasets help LE agencies proceed in some investigations. The presentation will also highlight the dependencies of LE to private partners (cybersecurity firms) and vice versa by citing some cases. In addition, Paul will share some tips and tricks on how to utilize threat intelligence in order to move forward.
Cyber Threat Intelligence Toward Cybercrime Investigation
Personal Data Protection in the Time of COVID-19: Using Privacy Impact Assessment and Proper Security Controls for Compliance and Risk Management
Andreas Gehrmann

Managing Director
SRMS & Associates Pte. Ltd.
Andreas Gehrmann is a Managing Director and Lead Consultant at SRMS Associates Pte. Ltd., a management consultancy firm. He has over 20 years of experience in auditing, training, consultancy, and business development in the Asia Pacific Region. He also has 15 years of experience in the field of information security, business continuity management, personal data protection, and supply chain security management.
Technology provides solutions for managing risks surrounding COVID-19 and controlling the spread of the virus. In the rush to come up with technical solutions, standard constraints on collecting and processing private data have been disregarded or waived and compromises on security have been often made.
In this presentation, Andreas will be illustrating the complex management and minimization of the impact of compromised personally identifiable information (PII) at the time of a pandemic. He will be introducing the concept of privacy by design and privacy impact assessment. In addition, he will be discussing the controls and tools needed to minimize the adverse and long-lasting impacts of solutions deployed to fight COVID-19.
Personal Data Protection in the Time of COVID-19: Using Privacy Impact Assessment and Proper Security Controls for Compliance and Risk Management
The State of Ransomware in 2020
Marvin Cruz

Senior Threat Researcher
Cyber Safety Solutions
Marvin Cruz is an experienced malware reverse engineer, digital forensic investigator, and security incident analyst. He is currently working at Trend Micro's biggest R&D center in Taipei, providing insight on emerging cyber threats and latest attacker's modus operandi. Despite his penchant for secrecy, several security blogs, invention, and patents are published on his credit.
In this session, Marvin will share an inside scoop on recent trend and changes in ransomware threat tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP). Ransomware threat actors nowadays are no longer into the shotgun approach of mass-mailing targets with ransomwarelaced emails but are more like a skilled sniper - a deliberate, patient, and resolute attacker with a clear focus on its target industry or company. Today, threat actors use phishing, info-stealers, exploits or outright purchase credentials in underground market to gain preliminary access to its victims.
Marvin will also discuss what action defenders need to do and think about to address this change in ransomware TTPs.
The State of Ransomware in 2020
02:15 PM - 02:30 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
02:30 PM - 03:00 PM (30 mins)
Past, Present, and Future of Cybercrime Infrastructure
Vladimir Kropotov

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Vladimir Kropotov, who earned master's degrees in applied mathematics and information security, works as a Senior Threat Researcher within the Trend Micro Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team. He previously built and led incident response teams at Fortune 500 companies. Vladimir has appeared at international conferences such as FIRST, CARO, HITB, PHDays, ZeroNights, Black Hat EU, and more.
Criminal infrastructure is an important chain that binds the whole underground ecosystem. This presentation will focus on the evolution of technologies and approaches which underground actors use to maintain and protect their infrastructures. It will show how actors abuse legitimate hosting and cloud services, exploit geographical and cross-jurisdictional issues to avoid takedowns, or even maintain server farms located in private houses in rural areas.
The presentation will also discuss the shifts on underground hosting approaches, which are enforced by the introduction of new technologies. The presentation contains several case studies that are based on our investigations of cyber incidents.
Past, Present, and Future of Cybercrime Infrastructure
Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnership in the Philippines
Mark Manantan

Lloyd and Lilian Vasey Fellow
Pacific Forum
Mark Manantan is currently the Lloyd and Lilian Vasey Fellow at the Pacific Forum and concurrently a non-resident fellow at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, National Chengchi University in Taiwan. He is also the recipient of the Asia fellowship awarded by the Japan Foundation. Previously, he was a visiting fellow at the East-West Center in Washington D.C., and the Center for RuleMaking Strategies at Tama University in Tokyo, Japan under the US-JapanSoutheast Asia Partnership in a Dynamic Asia Fellowship. His research examines the intersection of cybersecurity, emerging technology, and diplomacy in Asia Pacific. In 2018, Mr. Manantan founded Bryman media, a social impact communications firm based in the Philippines.
In 2016, the Philippines launched its first National Cybersecurity Plan. It was a significant development that signaled the Philippine government's commitment to mitigate the risks and threats from the evolving cybersecurity landscape and ensure its competitiveness in the growing data-driven economy. A key objective of the plan was the establishment of greater public-private partnerships that would promote cross-sector collaboration in combatting malicious actors both in the physical and digital space. Four years since its launch, the framework for the proposed PPP and other joint-initiatives like nation-wide threat intelligence sharing mechanisms are yet to unfold.
In this talk, Mr. Manantan examines the emerging industry-led Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnership (PPP) in the Critical National Infrastructure in the Philippines. As part of his on-going research, he will discuss the key drivers and challenges in the cybersecurity partnership in the country with a sharp focus on the convergence and divergence on strategic priorities between the National government and the private sector. Recognizing potential prospects and underlying tensions, Mr. Manantan will provide recommendations to optimize the risks and maximize the opportunities of the emerging Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnership in the Philippines.
Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnership in the Philippines
Threats to Critical ICS/SCADA Endpoints
Matsukawa Bakuei

Senior Security Specialist
Forward Looking Threat Research
Matsukawa Bakuei, who has been with Trend Micro since 1997, joined the Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team in 2012. Under INTERPOL and Trend Micro's strategic partnership, he also worked for the former where he was involved in the SIMDA botnet takedown, BEC investigations, West African Underground research, and more. Cybercrime and Industry 4.0/Manufacturing are his current research specializations.
At last year's Decode, Matsukawa's colleague Ryan Flores had a presentation about Industry 4.0 and the cyberthreats affecting relevant industries. While it is interesting to find out that old Conficker worms are prevalent in industrial environments, they wanted to dig deeper and find out what cyberthreats are really affecting the critical endpoints tasked at controlling various industrial equipment - the ICS/SCADA computer.
This presentation will show how they built their catalogue of industrial software and fingerprint endpoints for the presence of ICS/SCADA processes, and, with this information at hand, how they monitor these critical endpoints for cyberattacks.
Threats to Critical ICS/SCADA Endpoints
03:00 PM - 03:15 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
03:15 PM - 03:45 PM (30 mins)
The Risks of Open Banking
Feike Hacquebord

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Feike Hacquebord, Senior Threat Researcher, has over 15 years of experience conducting threat research. Since 2005, he has been a regular advisor of international law enforcement agencies and has assisted in high-profile investigations. Prior to joining Trend Micro, he earned a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Amsterdam.
As more industries adapt to cater to the increasingly mobile market, the financial industry is the latest to experience a shake-up. The Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2) - also known as Open Banking - is a new set of rules for the European Union (EU) that's expected to affect the global financial industry.
With Open Banking, banks will have to provide APIs to share customers' banking data with third parties. Hear the results of our research into the challenges of protecting the larger attack surface created by open banking and the potential security issues associated with APIs, banking apps, and protocols
The Risks of Open Banking
Five Things You Need to Know About Personal Data Breaches
Atty. Michael Santos

Complaints and Investigations Division
National Privacy Commission
Atty. Michael R. Santos is the Officer-in-Charge of the Complaints and Investigation Division of the National Privacy Commission (NPC). He is a selected lecturer for the Data Protection Officer Accountability, Compliance, and Ethics (DPO-ACE) Training and Certification Program of the NPC. He holds a master's degree in Public Administration and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/e) by the International Association of Privacy Professionals.
Under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, concealment of security breaches involving sensitive personal information is a crime punishable by imprisonment of up to five years and a fine of up to one million pesos. In this presentation, Atty. Michael will be providing an overview of the notification requirement on personal data breaches. He will also be discussing five key observations on data breaches from the point of view of the National Privacy Commission (NPC)
Five Things You Need to Know About Personal Data Breaches
Fileless Control: Removing the Backdoor in Backdoor Shell
Gilbert Sison and Abraham Camba

Cyber Threat Hunting Technical Lead
Incident Response

Incident Response Analyst
Incident Response
Gilbert Sison is fortunate enough to do what he enjoys doing and that is to figure out how things work. All the experience, skills and knowledge he accumulated in his 15-year tenure in Trend Micro as an AV engineer, QA engineer, and threat researcher, are in full use in his role as a threat hunter for the Managed XDR team. As a threat hunter, he finds needles in haystacks to identify attacks.
Abraham Camba, who graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Applied Physics from the University of the Philippines Diliman, is working with Trend Micro's Managed XDR team as an Incident Response Analyst. Joining Trend Micro in 2011, he has honed his skills in research, automation, programming, reverse engineering, and system development.
APT groups usually rely on backdoor shells to gain a foothold on the target environment. These tools open the victim machine to commands the attacker wants to perform from the outside of the system. Like any other piece of malware, having this tool run on a machine adds footprints that can be used to discover the attack.
In one case Gilbert and Abraham handled, the attacker did away with using backdoor shells and instead went full fileless. In this presentation, they will be discussing the tools the attacker used or may have used to achieve this. They will show the advantages and disadvantages the attacker has in using this approach.
Fileless Control: Removing the Backdoor in Backdoor Shell
03:45 PM - 04:00 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
04:00 PM - 04:30 PM (30 mins)
Darknet and Cryptocurrency Trends in Southeast Asia
Alexandru Caciuloiu

Cybercrime Project Coordinator
Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific
UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Alexandru Caciuloiu is the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Cybercrime and Cryptocurrency Advisor and Regional Coordinator for Southeast Asia and the Pacific. He is responsible for building and strengthening the region's capabilities and response to cybercrime and cybersecurity. He provides technical assistance, expertise, capacitybuilding as well as assistance with policy making and legislative harmonization.
This session will be providing participants with a broad overview of the current darknet and cybercrime threats in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines. Alexandru will be highlighting the challenges that policy makers and the criminal justice sector and law enforcement are facing in dealing with these threats.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) works with countries in the region to strengthen their capacity and coordination abilities to fight cybercrime. As such, the session will also be exploring possible avenues for cooperation in the field of cybercrime in the region.
Overview of Darknet and Cybercrime Threats in Southeast Asia
04:30 PM - 04:45 PM (15 mins)
Recap and Closing
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM (15 mins)
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (30 mins)
Cybercrime in 2020 and Beyond: Not Everything Changes in a Pandemic
Robert McArdle

Director for Cybercrime Research of Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR)
Robert McArdle is the Director for Cybercrime Research as part of the Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team, where he is involved in analyzing the latest cybercrime threats, researching the future threat landscape and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and coordinating investigations with international law enforcement agencies.
Robert also lectures for MSc modules in Malware Analysis for University College Dublin and Cork Institute of Technology. In addition, he has previously mentored for the SANS Incident Handling and Hacker Exploits Certificate (GCIH) and their Security Essentials Certificate (GSEC)
2020 has been a year of change far beyond even the wildest predictions. Besides the toll on our health, the pandemic has disrupted entire industries and fast tracked changes in digitisation that would otherwise have taken years to happen. This speed of change makes events and the ways we worked and interacted online in the past seem like a distant memory, despite being only a few months ago. If you want to confirm this time distortion for yourself, close your eyes and think of how long it feels since you last heard the words ... "Taal Volcano Eruption".
But Cybercrime is an industry like any other, and it too has experienced its fair share of negative impacts from Covid-19 ... and of course a rise in new opportunities as well. In this talk we'll explore these effects, the state of Cybercrime today, and predict (as best as we can predict anything in 2020) where Cybercrime will evolve to in the near future
Cybercrime in 2020 and Beyond: Not Everything Changes in a Pandemic
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (30 mins)
Cybercrime Through the Lens of Law Enforcement and Private Partners
Craig Jones

Director of Cybercrime
Originally from New Zealand, Craig Jones leads INTERPOL's Global Cybercrime Programme. The objectives of this Programme are to reduce the global impact of cybercrime and protect communities for a safer world. Under this mandate, he focuses on operational delivery, cyber threat response and capabilities development in support of 194 INTERPOL member countries.
Fighting cybercrime is a task that no organization can effectively do on its own - not law enforcement agencies, governments, or private organizations. This is because cybercrime is a unique breed of crime - the cybercriminal can be on the other side of the world, but a huge chunk of useful evidence and intelligence can sit on the logs of ISPs, hosting providers, and cybersecurity companies, among other entities.
In this session, Craig will discuss why it is crucial that law enforcement agencies and private partners collaborate in investigations to thwart cybercriminal operations and reduce the risks it could pose to ordinary users and enterprises.
Cybercrime Through the Lens of Law Enforcement and Private Partners
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM (60 mins)
Track Sessions
01:00 PM - 01:30 PM (30 mins)
From Use-After-Free To Remote Code Execution
Andy Niu

Senior Threat Researcher
Vulnerability Research Service
Andy Niu works a Senior Consultant at Trend Micro. As a long time shellcode exploit developer, his work covers all kinds of vulnerabilities, stack buffer overflow, heap memory corruption, command injection, and many more.
User-After-Free (UAF) vulnerabilities have been widely used in developing web browser malware variants. A UAF vulnerability concerns the incorrect use of dynamic memory during program operation. If after freeing a memory location, a program does not clear the pointer to that memory, malicious actors can use the error to hack the program.
In this presentation, Andy will introduce the technologies and tricks available to write a real shellcode exploit abusing a UAF vulnerability.
From Use-After-Free To Remote Code Execution
Shedding Light on Security Considerations in Serverless Cloud Architectures
Alfredo Oliveira

Security Research Leader
Cloud and Container Threat Research
Alfredo Oliveira is a Senior Security Researcher at Trend Micro, with over 10 years of working experience in the cybersecurity industry. He specializes in open source software, reverse engineering, malware analysis, honeypot deployment, data analysis, and, recently, container research.
Serverless computing is a kind of cloud computing execution model that enables enterprises to use the computational power of a cloud service provider (CSP). It allows enterprises to focus on building apps and core products, rather than using manpower to maintain and secure server infrastructure. However, serverless technologies are not immune to risks and threats.
This presentation aims to shed light on the security considerations in serverless environments and help adopters in keeping their serverless deployments as secure as possible. It focuses on services offered by AWS, which has the widest range of offerings available in the serverless services market.
Shedding Light on Security Considerations in Serverless Cloud Architectures
A Survey of Similarity for Security
Josiah Hagen

Senior Security Researcher
DV Labs
Josiah Hagen is a Security Researcher at Trend Micro Research. He has a BA in Mathematics and Computer Science from Oberlin College and has over 20 years of professional software development experience focusing on AI and ML techniques. His cybersecurity work ranges from ML detection of DGAs and EK obfuscation to scaling unsupervised techniques applied to various byte streams.
Detecting similar artifacts is crucial to identifying variants that malicious actors use to evade defenses. With static inspection of files or other parts of byte streams, using a similarity measure provides a quick mechanism to triage the vast sea of incoming unknowns.
This presentation will discuss the development and evolution of similarity measures adopted by the security community, comparing approaches for their search and clustering effectiveness and their runtime performance. In particular, the presentation will explain the algorithms used by SSDeep, SDHash, TLSH, LZJ and JA3. A demonstration on why Trend Micro leads the industry in this field, and its application to security problems, will also be showcased.
A Survey of Similarity for Security
01:30 PM - 01:45 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
01:45 PM - 02:15 PM (30 mins)
Getting Started in Hardware Reversing with ZDI
Vincent Lee

Vulnerability Researcher
ZDI Vulnerability Analysis
Vincent Lee is a Vulnerability Researcher at Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) program. His primary role involves performing root cause analysis and determining the exploitability of ZDI submissions. He previously served as a researcher at TELUS Security Labs, where he looked at known security issues to provide detection guidance to a variety of security solution vendors.
Reverse engineering routers and IoT devices may seem daunting for beginners. In this session, Vincent will guide you through hardware reverse engineering and vulnerability hunting processes through vulnerabilities affecting two routers. He will explore the hardware architecture and design of the TP-Link TLWR841N and the Belkin F7D2301 router.
In addition, he will look at the Linux-based firmware of the TP-Link and the RTOS-based firmware of the Belkin, then walk through the vulnerabilities reported in these routers.
Getting Started in Hardware Reversing with ZDI
The Role of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
Jon Oliver

Director & Data Scientist
Threat Research
Dr. Jon Oliver has been with Trend Micro for 13 years, and worked on a range of machine learning (ML)- and threat-based projects. The ML projects include ML for antispam, WRS categories, TrendX (files) and building TLSH. Jon has a PhD from Monash University and is an inventor of over 100 software patents.
There has been an ongoing evolution of the malware and security landscapes. In the last few years, we have seen the widespread adoption of machine learning (ML) into cybersecurity solutions. In response to this, we have seen changes in the methods adopted by malware authors to evade security solutions. It is a game of cat and mouse between the attackers and defenders, and unfortunately there are real-world consequences when cybercriminals succeed.
In this presentation, Jon will look at this ongoing evolution of security and malware. He will describe why ML is a key technology in understanding the interaction between malware and how security solutions can help maximize the benefits of ML-based security
The Role of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
Scalable Malware Clustering
Muqeet Ali

Senior Security Researcher
DV Labs
Muqeet Ali is working as a Senior Security Researcher at Trend Micro since September 2017. Previously, he obtained Masters and PhD degrees in Computer Science from University of Texas at Austin in 2013 and 2017 respectively. He has broad research interests in the areas of networking, security and machine learning. Recently, he has been interested in scaling machine learning techniques to make sense of security threats present in the wild.
Similarity hashing is an important tool for searching and analyzing malware samples which are similar to known malware samples. TLSH has been found to be particularly well-suited for finding related malware (and goodware) samples from known malware (and goodware) samples. In particular, TLSH has been shown to be good at finding the different variants of a given malware.
Previous works at Trend Micro have shown that TLSH hashes can be used to build fast search and clustering techniques, which can scale to tens of millions of items. In this presentation, Muqeet will present techniques that can scale to even larger data sizes by doing clustering in stages.
Scalable Malware Clustering
02:15 PM - 02:30 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
02:30 PM - 03:00 PM (30 mins)
PNP ACG: Serving and Protecting the Netizen
PCol Michael Zuñiga

Chief, Operations Management Division
Philippine National Police (PNP)
Anti Cybercrime Group (ACG)
PCol. Michael Angelo R. Zuñiga is the Operations Management Division Chief of the Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG). He holds a master's degree in Criminology and has completed courses in Operations Officer's Management and Criminal Investigation Management.
The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNPACG) aims to implement and enforce pertinent laws on cybercrime and other cyber-related crimes and pursue an effective anti-cybercrime campaign.
In this session, PCol. Zuñiga will be detailing how the PNP-ACG works in creating a safer cyber environment to enforce its mission. He will be providing an overview of its operations and its significant accomplishments over the years. He will be sharing about the unit's functions, for example, how they investigate cybercrimes and formulate guidelines. He will also be talking about facts and figures concerning the cyberspace and cybercrime trends.
PNP ACG: Serving and Protecting the Netizen
How Cybercriminals Misuse, Abuse AI and ML
Vincenzo Ciancaglini

Senior Threat Researcher
Forward-Looking Threat Research
Dr. Vincenzo Ciancaglini, who works at Trend Micro as a research scientist within the Forward-Looking Threat Research team (FTR), holds an M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering and an M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Wireless Systems. He develops new data analytics prototypes, identifies targeted attacks, and conducts research on new encrypted networks (darkweb) and Internet of Things (IoT).
While AI and ML can support businesses, critical infrastructures, and industries as well as help solve some of society's biggest challenges, these technologies can also enable a wide range of digital, physical, and political threats to surface.
This presentation will discuss research, a joint effort among Europol, Trend Micro, and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), that shows the present state of the malicious uses and abuses of AI and ML technologies, and the plausible future scenarios in which cybercriminals might abuse these technologies for ill gain.
How Cybercriminals Misuse, Abuse AI and ML
Understanding and Curbing Online Phishing Attacks
Lala Manly

Sr. Threat Researcher
Threat Hunting Team
Lala Manly Reyes is a graduate of BS Mathematics major in Computer Science from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. She has been working in Trend Micro since 2006, and currently holds the position of Senior Researcher in the Threat Hunting Team. She has extensive experience in research and content analysis for email security, and has worked on various antispam projects, including machine learning (SVM) solution for spam mail. As part of her current role, she provides threat intelligence and investigate research related to phishing, scam, and BEC hunting, to ensure Trend Micro provides continuous customer protection and stays one step ahead of cybercriminals.
Phishing has been a long time cyber threat and perhaps the simplest technique of identity theft. On a daily basis, cybercriminals deploy thousands of phishing pages and register several malicious domains to host phishing. The covid-19 pandemic crisis did not halt the perpetrators to defraud online users. In fact, it has vastly improved their techniques on social engineering schemes.
In this session, we will present an overview of phishing attacks and how it works. We will examine some of the latest techniques adapted by cybercriminals and identify those effective phishing schemes that they employ to understand why people fall for phishing attacks. Lastly, we will provide some phishing countermeasures to ensure that an individual will know how to recognize and avoid this online threat
Understanding and Curbing Online Phishing Attacks
03:00 PM - 03:15 PM (15 mins)
Networking Break at the Network Lounge
03:15 PM - 04:00 PM (45 mins)
Robert McArdle
Craig Jones
Philip Casanova
04:00 PM - 04:15 PM (15 mins)
Recap and Closing
2019 Highlights
Data Privacy Consent
In compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, (DPA) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) effective on September 8, 2016, I agree and authorize Trend Micro to:
1. Collect my information for registration and verification at its Decode 2020 Event.
2. Retain my information for a period of five years from the date of registration or until I submit to Trend Micro a written cancellation of this consent, whichever is earlier. I agree that my information will be deleted/destroyed after this period.
3. Inform me of technical updates and future company events using the personal information I shared with Trend Micro.