{ r } egistration
DECIDE to act with certainty. For DECODE year 5, be equipped with the cybersecurity expertise to recognize and isolate real security threats. This expertise will set you apart from those without it — and the contrast is like night and day, black and white, 1s and 0s.
To register for the event, fill out the registration form here. Keeping your information confidential is extremely important to us, and it will only be used to register and verify your attendance for this event.
After you’ve submitted your registration, we will notify you via email or SMS for further information and updates.
We look forward to seeing you at Decode 2021 on November 10 and 11. Thank you.
{ k } eynote
{ s } peakers
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{ a } bout
IT professionals who are equipped with cybersecurity know-how are more likely to rise above a crisis, make informed decisions, and win the war against cyber threats. Understanding new threats comes with the acceptance that all systems and processes need to transform.
DECIDE to act with certainty. Timing matters when it comes to making security decisions amidst a threat. What’s in your toolbox and your ability to deploy solutions quickly and seamlessly will make all the difference.
DECODE will equip you with the cybersecurity expertise to recognize and isolate real security threats. This expertise sets you apart from those without it -- and the contrast is like night and day, black and white, 1’s and 0’s.
Let DECODE push you towards a commitment to win the war against digital threats no matter what the situation is. Transcend the ordinary and become a cybersecurity expert!
2021 is DECODE's fifth year! DEC1DE to act with certainty. Happening on November 10-11, 2021 - Register early to secure your slot! THIS EVENT IS FREE!